
Showing posts from February, 2019

5 things to takeaway from Trump's State of the Union Address 2019

on Tuesday, February 5, 2019, President Donald Trump gave his second State of the Union Address and he covered several issues such as new abortion laws and preventing another government shutdown. Here are 5 things you should have taken away from President Trumps State of the Union Address. 1.) Trump will meet with Kim Jong Un President Trump announced that he is planning a two-day summit with North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un in Vietnam Later this month. Trump also took pride in that the United States would be at war with North Korea if he wasn't elected President. 2.) President Trump will not back down on a border wall Throughout the entire address, President Trump encourages both political parties to work together on making a compromise for the Mexican border wall. He said "Americans should embrace compromise and "choose greatness"". The longest government shutdown in U.S. history was because both political parties couldn't come to a consensus a

Benefits of Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank. In the media we hear about bitcoin billionaires who are 18 or 19 years old. While there are some downfalls to cryptocurrency, there are some benefits. For example, Fraud: with cryptocurrencies being digital it is near impossible for them to be counterfeited. Another benefit is Identity Theft: Credit cards operate on a "pull" mechanism where stores initiate the payment and pull the exact amount from your account having access to all your account personal information. With cryptocurrency they work on a "push" mechanism which allows the owner to push the exact amount of money to the merchant without revealing any personal information. The final benefit of cryptocurrency is Decentralization: Bitcoin, which is a type of cryptocurrency, is managed by a network not by one ce