Which of the Eight Values of Free Expression is most important to the First Amendment

Out of all eight values, I believe that number 4 has a big impact on the First Amendment because the fourth value is about Individual Self-Fulfilment. Free speech enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity- and, in the process perhaps, find kindred spirits. Freedom of speech thus becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency, and autonomy.  A recent event that is a perfect example for Individual Self-Fulfilment through expression is the Women's Right Marches that happened in January. These marches took over the streets of Washington D.C. and a lot of women came together to march for what they believe is truly right and just.

 People gather on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the Women's March on Washington 2018: March On The Polls!, Jan. 20, 2018, in Washington D.C.

These people are able to express who they are as supporters of women's rights and fighting for a cause or belief that someone is very passionate about making that person feel like they are doing good. What's also important about this is that these people are able to protest, march, and organize rallies because it protected by the First Amendment. Multiple states will hold multiple marches: California has more than 30 separate marches, New York will host 15 marches, Texas has 13 scheduled, 11 in Florida, eight in Michigan and seven in Pennsylvania.



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