My 5 News Sites

With all the controversy happening in the United States and all over the world, it's hard to keep track and stay up to date. Social Media makes it easy to stay up to date on the latest events that happen over night.

NBC News:
When I first wake up in the morning I check my phone and one of the first things I see is all the notifications that I get from NBC News that happened over night. Most of the things that NBC News covers is new events that develop in the United States. They do cover some things around the world but they mostly cover news in the United States. Another great quality about NBC News is that they aren't so politically biased, they just give you all the facts and they let you develop your own views on the subject matter.

A quick and reliable source that I use to get all the news that happening around the world. They do have a section that is just dedicated to the United States news but other news sites that specialize in the U.S. news are way better but BBC is a great source to get news and information about the war happening in Syria or whats happening in North Korea.

E News:
After reading a getting caught up on all the U.S. and worldly news, I like to lighten the mood with some celebrity or pop culture news. This source is a great source to receive all of the newest information about the Kardashians or what block buster movies are going to win at the Oscars. E news isn't like the tabloids that are filled with false information, they do the research to make sure that all the information they are publishing is 100% true.

When people think of news they typically say snapchat, but this a great news source for millennial. Most millennials have a snapchat that they use on the daily. On snapchat They have a story called "Stay Tuned" and it's actually part of NBC News. This is a great way to get all the latest information in a quick easy video. They have one big story that they spend most of the time discussing all the details, then they talk briefly about all the stuff involving president trump and news around the world, finally they end their broadcast with a light hearted discussion about a new viral video of a cute puppy or a toddler experiencing snow for the first time.

Twitter can be very hostile when it comes to news because everyone can voice their own opinion on the matter, but it is a good source to get just a quick glimpse into what is happening in the world and U.S. Twitter is very easy to use source so millennials and older people can use it without having any difficulties.


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