
Showing posts from May, 2019

My thoughts on blogging

 During this semester, I think that the internet in general has changed the world of mass communication tremendously because it is easier than ever to gather information as quickly as possible. And it allows individuals to post blogs or articles of their opinions about different events or issues online. Blogging or writing an article about something that you believe in can be really be empowering and inspiring to other people. This also helped me understand the more complicated issues  While keeping up to date with the blog post I found myself being more and more interested in what is happening in the world we live in and looking at not only one news sites but multiple to understand all the possible angles and point of views. I also gained a better understanding of how to write an opinion based post because that is something that I've never done before.   In conclusion, the blog posts that I have completed has taught me the importance and value of our first ame

Daniel Ellsberg speaks out on the arrest of Julian Assange

Last week, the creator of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange was arrested in London after Ecuador withdrew their asylum agreement. After this event, Daniel Ellsberg, a fellow whistleblower of the Pentagon Papers, speaks out on this matter. Ellsberg is quoted saying that "Without whistleblowers, we would not have a democracy". He then goes on to talk about how "it is not a good day for the American press or for American Democracy." he also says that he was the "first journalistic source" to be indicted and now that Julian Assange is the first journalist to be indicted he will not be the last. Later on, in the interview, he is asked about what he would today in a digital era and he would still have given the papers to the New York Times in the hopes that they would print the documents in length. But with how print media is now I would not wait and I would give it to WikiLeaks or put it on the internet myself. Ellsberg is quoted saying that "Without whistle

What is a Whistleblower?

During the presentations about awareness, mediasphere, theories, and policy. One topic really stood out to me, and that was during the mediasphere presentation talking about whistleblowers.  Before the presentation, I knew very little about whistleblowers and the only one that I knew about was Edward Snowden. I always thought people who were considered whistleblowers were people who broke the law and were criminals in the eyes of the government. I never thought about how they might be helping the public with letting us know about some of the things our government is doing without us knowing.  The definition of a whistleblower is a person who exposes any kind of information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical, or not correct within an organization that is either private or public. This definition really opened my eyes because I always thought that a whistleblower just exposes information about an organization just to hurt or damage an organization. But in reality, they