Daniel Ellsberg speaks out on the arrest of Julian Assange

Last week, the creator of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange was arrested in London after Ecuador withdrew their asylum agreement. After this event, Daniel Ellsberg, a fellow whistleblower of the Pentagon Papers, speaks out on this matter.

Ellsberg is quoted saying that "Without whistleblowers, we would not have a democracy". He then goes on to talk about how "it is not a good day for the American press or for American Democracy." he also says that he was the "first journalistic source" to be indicted and now that Julian Assange is the first journalist to be indicted he will not be the last.

Later on, in the interview, he is asked about what he would today in a digital era and he would still have given the papers to the New York Times in the hopes that they would print the documents in length. But with how print media is now I would not wait and I would give it to WikiLeaks or put it on the internet myself.

Ellsberg is quoted saying that "Without whistleblowers, our foreign policy would be almost entirely covert. we don't have as many whistleblowers as we need to have any kind of public sovereignty. Unfortunately, people are simply not willing to risk their job or their clearance or their freedom.



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